Monday, October 13, 2008

Riot poo

In the early '80s, some mook thought it a great idea to place student nurses on the locked men's psychiatric ward at the Veteran's Hospital. The real nurses there were all giant men built like refridgerators, so they kept us wee girls in the office and played cards/flirted with us.

One day coming in to work, we heard a scream and saw a little tiny guy run through the ward stark naked and dripping wet with shitty feet. He was followed by a lot of other naked men and a riot started. The nurses locked us in a closet til it was over.

Turns out one of the big 300 lb murderers there had shit in the shower and made Tiny Guy stomp it down through the drain. In return, he wiped his feet on Big Murderer, squeezed his balls hard and ran away. Everyone else joined in the naked riot for the fun of it.

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